Microsoft Excel online tutorial course

This Tutorial Website helps become a Microsoft Excel expert. this tutorial Contains Worksheet,Formulas, Filter,Chart, Print,Data Analysis, Tables,Functions, Pivot table etc….

Excel Basic

  • Create a basic worksheet by entering text, values, and formulas.
  • Change the appearance of worksheet data by using a variety of formatting techniques.
  • Create formulas by using some of Excel’s built-in functions.
  • Filter and sort Excel data.
  • Plan, create and modify charts.
  • Prepare a document for printing by using a variety of printing options.

Excel Advanced

  • Use workbooks as templates for other workbooks.
  • Manipulate worksheet data.
  • Use intermediate data management tools such as filters and advanced filters.
  • Summarize data that meets specific conditions.
  • Link to data in other worksheets and workbooks.
  • Locate and use some of the more complex Excel functions.
  • Create and modify charts.
  • Creating a Pivot Table
  • Analysing Data using Pivots
  • Filtering and Slicers
  • Creating a Pivot Chart Report
  • Working with multiple Values Areas


A function could be a predefined formula that performs calculations using specific values during a particular order. Excel includes many common functions which will be useful for quickly finding the sum, average, count, maximum value, and minimum value for a variety of cells. so as to use functions correctly, you’ll got to understand the various parts of a function and the way to make arguments to calculate values and cell references.

Formula =A1+A2+A3+A4+A5+A6+A7+A8

Function =SUM(A1:A8)

Creating a function

Excel has a variety of functions available. Here are some of the most common functions you’ll use:

  • SUM: This function adds all of the values of the cells in the argument.

  • AVERAGE: This function determines  the average of the values included in the argument. It calculates the sum of the cells and then divides that value by the number of cells in the argument.

  • COUNT: This function counts the number of cells with numerical data in the argument. This function is useful for quickly counting items in a cell range.

  • MAX: This function determines the highest cell value included in the argument.
  • MIN: This function determines the lowest cell value included in the argument.

Educationists should build capacities of the spirit of inquiry, creativity, entrepreneurial and moral leadership among students and become their role model.

-APJ Abdul Kalam..